"Learn to swim just in case you fail to walk on water." Linda Carson

“Learn to swim just in case you fail to walk on water.” Linda Carson


"If you can't draw on the back of an envelope, on a bank receipt or a beer coaster, you're not a designer." Linda Carson

“If you can’t draw on the back of an envelope, on a bank receipt or a beer coaster, you’re not a designer.” Linda Carson


How to make a solo diner feel welcome when she arrives

I want to love your restaurant. I’m not self-conscious about dining out on my own but a lot of people are. Historically, the hospitality industry hasn’t lived up to its name for solo diners, and women are apparently supposed to be especially embarrassed about eating out alone. I can’t speak for all solo diners, but…

“No, I don’t carry a business card that says ‘artist and playwright.’ That’s what the tattoos are for.” Linda Carson

“If I live my life right, how I look is the least interesting thing about me.” Linda Carson